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by Dr. Arnd Bernaerts

Cold March 2013 in UK and North Europe  
science should be able to explain!

Posted: 21 March 2013 (ocl_10-3)
by Arnd Bernaerts

 Winter isn’t quite done with the UK yet, claimed ukweather-blog yesterday. March 2013 is set to be one of the coldest in decades, and there is no sign of spring on the horizon, writes “The Telegraph” today (21/03 – Ref.1), and parts of Britain could see up to 16 inches of snow before the weekend, as forecasters warn of severe and unusual weather conditions for the time of year. Northern Europe is in the cold since early March will get another hefty dose of wintry weather through midweek as another storm spreads snow northward to the Baltic Sea and Scandinavia [Ref. 2]. See for T°C anomalies, Fig.1 & 2.  

Figure 1, Forecast T°C Anomalies, 09-16 March 2013

Figure 2,  Forecast T°C Anomalies, 13-20 March 2013

 A BBC report claims that the “real reason” for the cold weather in the UK is the Jet Stream [Ref.3] including the indication that the Jet Stream shift  has presumably been caused by the sun. This would be surprising, as we are at the end of the winter season. More interesting is a look at the see surface temperature (SST) around Great Britain and Baltic Sea .

 Except for a short period during December 2012 (HERE), the SST was above, and sea ice conditions below average in the Baltic throughout January and February (HERE).  The SST in early March had been close to normal (Fig.3), but today on 21. March in Western Baltic and North Sea well below average (Fig.4). As both Figures indicate that the North Atlantic is well above average, it seems reasonable to ask for the reasons of sub-SST in North and Baltic Sea areas, as this situation will significantly have contributed to cold and snowy conditions from Britain , NE Germany , and Scandinavian and Baltic countries. An anthropogenic link could be possible.

SST 08 March 2013

SST 21 March 2013

 In March the sea areas in Northern Europe have lost almost all of the heat stored. Is the sea churned and turned under low air conditions by vessels, fishing boats, and off-shore wind farms the loss of rest heat will increase, while increasing evaporation. These mechanisms subsequently reduce air temperature and increase snowy condition.

It seems high time that science is taking a serious look into the matter, and demonstrates that they are able to explain this unusual March 2013. 

Fig. 5; Sea ice 18. March 2013

Fig. 6; Sea ice 21, March 2013

Fig. 7; Mean condition 21st March

Source: The Baltic Sea Portal;



Ref 1:  



Related Essyas:   
23. April 2013: Met-Off loose talk on cold March 2013? North and Baltic Sea should not be ignored! (ocl_9-8)
11. April 2013: 'Urgent' need to see if Arctic affects UK extreme cold? No! MetOffice should investigate the impact of human activities in the North- and Baltic Sea ! (co_9-4) 
03 April 2013: Did the cold March 2013 came from Siberia ? A not well founded claim! (ocl_9-9) 
29 March 2013: Cold March 2013 in company with March 1942 & 1917 (co 10-2)  
27. March 2013: Strong Start – Strong Ending; Winter 2012/13. About the Role of North- and Baltic Sea (2007seatraining 1310)
26. March 2013; March 2013 snow in the UK and the North Sea . Did human activities contributed? (ocl 10_2) 
21 March 2013; Cold March 2013 in UK and North Europe science should be able to explain! (ocl_10-3) 
07 March 2013:  Winter 2012/13 for Northern Europe is over! The Baltic and North Sea will prevent a surprise in March! (ocl-10_4)
19. January 2013: Northern Europe's bulwark against Asian cold from 19-31. (oc_12-8)
14. January 2013: North- and Baltic Sea influence Europe ’s winter 2012/2013 until now. (ocl_12_6) 
09 December 2012 (+ 21 & 26 Dec) : Are we heading to severe Baltic Sea ice conditions by 30th December 2012? (2007seatraining)


The situation on Saturday 23rd March 2013

 Ukrainian Capital Paralyzed By Snowstorm  (Saturday, March 23, 2013)

KIEV , Ukraine -- The city of Kiev has declared a state of emergency after the Ukrainian capital was paralyzed by about 50 centimeters (20 inches) of snow in the past day, more than it usually receives per month during this season.   

Saturday, 23rd March 2013, at about 18:00h, see details top-left corner


Source: ; 2m T°C


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Hamburg , 22. March 2013, 06:30h, minus 7°C






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